Blue Connect Go measures the following:
Water temperature (°C, °F): An elevated temperature reduces the efficiency of disinfectant product and promotes the development of microorganisms.
pH (hydrogen potential): this value measures the acidic or basic character of a medium. pH contributes to the effectiveness of the disinfectant.
ORP/REDOX (measurement of active chlorine in mV): The ORP measure is reflected in milli-volts(mV). The measurement taken by the ORP probe of your Blue Connect is a voltage expressed in milli-volts (mV), which represents the more or less oxidizing nature of the water.
Blue Connect Plus measures the following:
Water temperature (°C, °F): An elevated temperature reduces the efficiency of disinfectant product and promotes the development of microorganisms.
pH (hydrogen potential): this value measures the acidic or basic character of a medium. pH contributes to the effectiveness of the disinfectant.
ORP/REDOX (measurement of active chlorine in mV): The ORP measure is reflected in milli-volts(mV). The measurement taken by the ORP probe of your Blue Connect is a voltage expressed in milli-volts (mV), which represents the more or less oxidizing nature of the water.
Conductivity* (μS): Measurement of the concentration of inorganic salts in the water by the ability of the latter to conduct electricity.
*Conductivity is measured only with Blue Connect Plus. For salt pools, salinity (more precisely the total salt content) is measured on the conductivity basis.
The salinity measured by the Blue Connect is expressed in grams per liter (g/L) of TDS (Total DissolvedSolids). This is an estimate of the total amount of dissolved species in the pool, based on the assumption that the main species is sodium chloride (NaCl or cooking salt).
Sodium chloride increases the conductivity of your pool water depending on its concentration. An estimate of the sodium chloride level based on the conductivity will deviate even more if other unknown salts are present in the water. This deviation can be checked using colorimetric detection strips specific for sodium chloride.
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